Part Time Courses
Comprehensive Online Seerah course of
Prophet Muhammed (SAW)
Course Description
This course will trace the life history of our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW from the days before the advent of Islam; known as the time of ignorance. The course follows his birth and upbringing through to his receiving of prophethood, the spread of Islam in Makkah and the immigration to Madinah including his many struggles and battles. The life of the Prophet SAW is both inspirational and emotive and is yet full of lessons and anecdotes that continue to unravel themselves to us to this day. Studying the life of the Prophet SAW is an absolute must for everyone.
Course Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and understanding:
Learn about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) – both in Makkah and Madinah
Take practical lessons from the life of the Prophet (SAW)
Understanding the context in which the Qur’an was revealed and Islam was sent down.
Skills and application:
Helps us adopt the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) in our lives.
Develops the love for the Prophet SAW such that all our actions are governed by his Sunnah.
Accessibility to other resources in the topic.
Broadens the mind regarding giving inviting people to Islam
Prerequisites: None
Students will not be assessed in this course.
Course Delivery
This course will be delivered online every friday using an online live streaming platform called ‘Zoom’.

To share Islam through a centre inspired by the prophetic model, desiring the greatest good for all.